Friday, May 04, 2007

A Few Great Resources for Making Microtonal Music

H-Pi Instruments

H-Pi Instruments sells unique microtonal keyboards, software and a revolutionary Tuning Box that allows you to retune ordinary electronic keyboards and soft synths that wouldn't normally have that ability. I own one and I'm impressed with its capabilities. My favorite part of the website is the instrument gallery. It contains fascinating pictures of microtonal organs, pianos and harpsichords with alternate keyboard layouts.


Scala software is free and has unique tuning capabilities. It is very versatile and can be used to retune a large number of software synthesizers and electronic keyboards.

L'il Miss' Scale Oven

L'il Miss' Scale Oven is a tuning software for the Mac. It tunes more instruments than any other software in the world.


Tonescape is a microtonal music production software that can be downloaded for free. There is also a Yahoo group for discussing Tonescape.

Microtonal Synthesis

A website that lists various electronic keyboards and software with microtonal capabilities.

Making Microtonal Music

A Yahoo group that is a good place to discuss microtonal music and how to make it.


Click this label link for articles about producing microtonal music at my other microtonal music blog.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.